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Acoustic Foam

Acoustic Foam

Original price was: ₹175.00.Current price is: ₹160.00.

If you are looking for a professional way to control noise and achieve sound absorption, then our acoustic foam is the right solution.



If you are looking for a professional way to control noise and achieve sound absorption, we at Symphony 440 Design Group have got the perfect acoustic design engineered for you! Our experienced team of acoustic engineers can help provide the right Melamine acoustic foam solution you need for noise reduction through acoustic engineering.

These acoustic foam insulation materials are very widely used to line equipment enclosures. Acoustic foam is also commonly used to treat reflections in Home theaters and auditoriums.

You can use our acoustic foam where sound absorption, noise reduction and vibration control are needed to attain the best acoustic design.

This sound dampening foam panel is excellent for industrial facilities, churches, multi-purpose rooms, recording studios or other spaces that require acoustical control. Melamine Foam is an extremely lightweight insulation material that exhibits exceptional resistance to heat, low flame propagation, and smoke.

It possesses excellent thermal and acoustical insulation properties. Melamine Acoustic foam finds its usage in applications such as HVAC and ECS ducts to wall/fuselage insulation in aircraft engineering, as well as mass transit and power generation.

With a high degree of sound absorption and excellent thermal insulation characteristics, this foam is low in density, making it suitable for applications with weight restrictions such as the aircraft and rail industries.

Melamine Acoustic foam can meet all your acoustic engineering requirements as it can be laminated, converted and fabricated, making it a highly versatile acoustic material.

Melamine is halide free meaning when they get exposed to a high degree of heat or naked flames they do not emit toxic byproducts generally associated with conventional polyurethane-based acoustic foams.

The excellent acoustic absorption qualities and high thermal insulation characteristics of melamine foam have made it the Go-To acoustical material for usage in a wide range of applications.

Enclosures could be internally lined with our range of Melamine acoustic foam to encapsulate noise sources entirely. Also, these acoustic Melamine foams are used widely in aviation, automotive and building industries.

Partnering Acoustical Materials: You can add our GIK Acoustics Bass Traps along with Melamine foam to have a balanced acoustical treatment in your room.

Thickness: 12, 25 & 50mm

Pricing:  As mentioned above.

Colour:  Greyish White.

Availability: We can provide the necessary technical consultation, offer honest pricing and have these Melamine acoustic foams shipped to anywhere in India, including to cities like Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mohali, Ludhiana, Jalandhar and Delhi in 4-6 weeks.